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Extended Day Program




它从早上6:45开始,直到7:30的第一声铃声,由我们一年级的老师监督, Mrs Gottardo.  欢迎孩子们做作业(可以提供帮助)、社交、玩游戏、阅读等.



我们的放学后照顾是由至少一个成人协调员监督每10个孩子.  我们的课后护理中心欢迎学生完成他们的家庭作业(如有需要,我们会提供家庭作业辅导)。, participate in our frequent STEM & craft group activities, play on our playground, with supervision (weather permitting), utilize our computers for homework or educational software, and enjoy the occasional popcorn and a movie!  我们的课后计划是灵活的,允许每个学生以一种既富有成效又愉快的方式利用他们的时间.


我们的课后设施是安全的,家长/监护人只有在目视确认后才能进入大楼.  We do not "buzz" anyone in using an intercom. 学生只能交给事先安排好的成年人来接他们.



The hourly fee for our extended day is $6.第一个孩子和兄弟姐妹每小时额外收费5美元.00 per hour.  This is billed in 1/2 hour increments. A late fee of $10.下午六时后,每位儿童每五分钟收费00元.

As a parent, 您可以放心,您的孩子在我们能干的工作人员手中,充分利用他们的课前和课后时间.



A registration form must be on file for each student participating in the program. 孩子将不允许参加该计划,如果完成 registration form is not on file. 如果你认为你可能需要这个程序,即使是在紧急情况下,你也必须注册. 上一学年的所有未付款必须在注册下一学年的延长日课程之前全额支付, unless other arrangements have been made.

There will be a registration fee of $50.每个家庭在登记时应缴纳00英镑,以支付全年的用品和饮料费用.  Please send the completed registration form, signature page of the information sheet and payment to the school. 报名表必须从头到尾完整填写. Please make checks payable to St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick School. .


St. Alphonsus/St. Patrick School Campus
  • Phone number: 1-630-783-2220
  • Program's Direct Number: 1-331-330-1842


Please submit the Extended Day Weekly Sign-Up Form 可以在学校网站的“延长日课程”菜单下找到. 请您的学生在周日晚上9点之前注册,以便学校办公室可以在周一早上通知每周学生参加的时间表. 

报名是非常重要的,原因有很多,包括避免放学后的混乱. In an emergency, 通知学校办公室630-783-2220,如果你的孩子每周或每天的日程安排有变化. 

Be sure your child knows where they are going each day.  这对那些作息不规律的孩子特别有帮助. 我们不能再假设孩子会去参加延长日课程,即使他们定期参加.
Charges and Billing

Charges and Billing

  • $6.00 per hour for the first child
  • $5.00 per hour for each additional child

如果您的孩子参加了延长日课程,他们将被收取至少一个半小时的费用. You will be charged in one-half hour increments, i.e.: sign out at 4:20pm will be charged until 4:30.

A late fee of $10.下午六时后,每位儿童每五分钟收费00元. 如果您将被延误,请致电延长日主管1-331-330-1842. 或者,如果你要迟到,请准备一个“备用计划”. Call a neighbor, friend, relative, classmate, etc. to pick your child up by 6:00pm. 备份计划的名称应列在登记表“谁可以接你的孩子”下面。.
Tentative Schedule

Tentative Schedule

  • Attendance will be taken
  • 零食时间——从家里带来健康的零食,提供饮料. *请不要忘记为您的孩子送一份花生免费放学后小吃.  The Extended Day Room is PEANUT FREE.
  • Outdoor Time
  • Academic time - homework, reading
  • Free play time - puzzles, games, 团体/户外活动(如果天气允许,我们将在操场上玩)
  • Other activities - Art/Craft projects, educational videos. games and toys.

If you wish, 您可以送孩子换洗的衣服,但请确保所有衣服上都标有孩子的名字. 
Important Information

Important Information

Please be sure to sign your child out on the Extended Day Weekly Billing Form. This is very important for billing purposes. If 如果您不注销您的孩子,您将自动收费,直到 下午6点,因为我们没有办法知道你什么时候来接电话 your child.

如果有人来接你的孩子他们不在名单上 报名表格或我们没有收到通知,您将收到一个 打电话给我们,让我们得到你的许可,释放你的 child.



延长日计划遵循相同的纪律政策 the regular school day. In addition, we have the option to institute a Green, Yellow, Red Light System.

如果有必要的话,你的孩子会每天从绿色开始,但如果他们 表现出不尊重,不服从指示,或对员工或员工粗鲁 另一些人,他们的名字,在被警告一次之后 incident, will be moved to Yellow with the next incident. The name will be moved to Red with another incident. If they do reach the Red Light, 他们将在北京度过他们的下一个延长日项目 Principal’s office for the duration of the afternoon.

如果你看到你孩子的名字已经达到黄灯或红灯 当您拾取时,请向工作人员说明情况 as it will be documented in the daily log. If your child stays on Green 这一天,正如我们预期的那样,我们有一个奖励系统来 reward them for their great behavior. (For example, respecting staff 而其他人,尊重财产,听从指示,不顶嘴, etc.) .

随着广泛的年龄范围的孩子参加延长日计划, respecting each other is extremely important.



如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请随时网上赌博网站十大排行的日间项目主任, Mrs. Carole Strejc.

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